Preparation courses for the medical language examNo job without a specialist language test! For some time now, the medical associations of the federal states have insisted on the so-called specialist language examination.
This examination serves to determine both the professional and linguistic (level C1) competence of the foreign doctor. It lasts one hour and costs between 300 and 500 euros.
Although the examination procedure differs slightly from state to state, the following basic procedure applies:
- Detailed anamnesis interview (20 minutes)
- Fill out medical history form or short doctor's letter (20 minutes)
- Doctor-doctor consultation. Presentation of the patient with interposed questions from the examiners (20 minutes)
In a
4-week preparation course for this specialist language exam, we play through up to 40 cases and discuss them in detail. Participants learn questioning techniques, structuring notes, coherent dialog and professional presentation. They will also practise terminology (Latin/German - German/Latin) in the group. In addition, contemporary medical-academic texts are written. Where necessary, we recognize, explain and correct grammatical deficits.
The aim of this crash course is to acquire the technical language skills needed to take a convincing and confident exam. As a prerequisite for this preparation course, you should have a good B2 level.
Duration, scope and prerequisitesThe course takes place 4 times a week for 5 teaching units each. That is a total of 80 teaching units over 4 weeks. A B-2 certificate is a prerequisite for attending the course
Prices1 lesson: = 8,- Euro
Total: = 640,- Euro
For questions regarding registration, procedure and start, please visit